Detox Your Kitchen

Whose ready to get some nasty chemicals out of their kitchen for good?! Here’s the process I work through when I’m overhauling products!

Take a look at the product label, front and back. Here are red flags – if a product has ANY of these, they are trash-worthy in our house!
  • No ingredient list

    Usually means they're hiding something. If the product has clean ingredients, the company would happily show them on the product or on the product insert because they're PROUD of the toxin free ingredients they choose to use!!

  • Toxic Synthetic Preservatives

    Highly common toxins used in cleaning products are Methylisothiazolinone, Phenoxyethanol and Benzisothiazolinone, all three are neurotoxins. Watch out for them!

  • Fragrance listed as an ingredient

    A concoction of hidden toxins are masked by the term 'Fragrance' so you don't actually know what's hiding in the product. Many ingredients of fragrances are associated with contact allergy and may contain phthalates as an example.

  • Warning, Caution, Danger, Flammable

    Pretty easy to figure out why this is a sign of toxicity.

No ingredient list, yet the product says ‘Natural’, ‘Free & Clear’, ‘Plant Based Ingredients’ etc.??

This means they could still be hiding toxins in their product, and requires more investigation!

If you’ve made it this far and think you have a winner, post the ingredient list below in the comments – I’d be happy to double check it for you! Plus, I’m always on the hunt for new additions for our toxin-free master list! 💕

Speaking of this – If you need some toxin-free swaps for your kitchen, sign up to receive my toxin free masterlist

Copyright © Pursuing What Is Well

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