Marketing Strategy for Holistic-Centered Businesses

Trust & Authenticity

Can go a long way.

Frustrated with Your marketing?

Imagine if you had MORE time to work on everything you absolutely love in your business. No more wasted time with tech, no software that seems to change every minute, less time DIYing your way through a marketing strategy that doesn’t seem to help or do anything for your bottom line. Let’s get you some dynamic marketing tools that speak to your audience while building your business!

A glimpse of what I can do for you… 

Plan and send custom emails weekly, biweekly, or monthly

Setup a welcome series of automated emails that builds trust and connection

Design Downloadable guides or PDFs that drive email signups or create residual income

Develop specialty graphics where you have the idea and just need the vision to come to life

Create on-trend, performance driven social media grapics & posts

Conceptualize a robust and flexible marketing strategy that creates cohesion & less overwhelm

Stop Putting all of your eggs in the social media basket

Email Marketing

Email ROI

For every $1 email marketers spend on email marketing, an average $36 is earned in return.

Source: Litmus, ROI of Email Marketing

Consistent STRATEGY

On average, 50% of sales come from weekly emails.

Source: ActiveCampaign

emails that send themselves

93% increase in open rates with automated emails

Source: Mailchimp

I know email marketing is not the most glamorous part of owning a business, and many choose not to pursue it. Hear me out though…


Did you know that running an A/B test on your emails can help increase email ROI by 82%? That’s like planting a seed and watching a money tree grow. Unlike fleeting social media posts, emails sit cozily in inboxes, patiently waiting to be opened when the time is just right—like a friend who pops over for coffee precisely when you need a pick-me-up. It’s the art of storytelling, the dance of strategy, and the magic of connection, all wrapped up in an inbox-friendly bow.

Marketing Plans & Graphics Feeling Stale?

Let's breathe some life into it!

In the ever-evolving world of digital landscapes, your brand needs a storyteller, a visual maestro, and a strategic navigator.


That’s where I come in.

Graphic Design: Picture your brand, but make it a visual symphony. From eye-catching IG Carousels to meticulously designed downloadable freebies: let’s create a visual identity that not only stands out but also speaks to your person’s pain points.


Social Media Mastery: In a sea of stories and community engagement, your brand personality deserves to be the shining star. I specialize in crafting social media posts that don’t just fill feeds but leave an indelible mark. It’s about creating a community, sparking conversations, and making your brand the talk of the timeline.


Marketing Plan Wizardry: Behind the scenes, there’s a method to the madness. Marketing plans aren’t just documents; they’re roadmaps to success. With a blend of creativity and strategic thinking, I’ll map out a journey for your brand, ensuring every campaign, post, and pixel aligns with your vision.

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hey there!

i'm Laura.

It’s no secret that the marketing behind ‘natural’ businesses is often all talk, just to sell a product or service. As an entrepreneurial mama with 2 young boys in the midst of our own wellness journey, I saw a gap in the marketing world between all of the greenwashing and false stigmas surrounding a more holistic lifestyle. With my previous management experience within the marketing department for a multi 7-figure company, I chose to take my passion for wellness and help other businesses take on an education based strategy that features authentic truth while keeping up with the most powerful marketing strategies.

While this is my ‘job’, the heart behind the work I do is incredibly important. I want to help impact others’ lives, and it would be an honor to contribute to that mission within your brand.  

Let's embark on a journey to

elevate your visuals, ignite your social presence, or craft an email strategy that resonates