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I’m Laura.

Lover of grilled cheese. Data Nerd. Advocate for daily dance parties in my home.

So grateful to be at home with my 2 boys and on this crazy journey toward a more toxin free life.

Between the ‘ins and outs’ of attempting to run the house (that’s a hard job, right?!), I’m also known as a low-tox life guru.

What do I mean by that?! I teach mamas how to create more wellness for them and their family. And I love it.

I’m also a freelance marketer for holistic businesses, as it’s pretty darn tricky to market a business in the wellness space these days!

Life is hectic, all the time… but I seriously wouldn’t have it any other way.

My Story

I actually remember when I first started paying attention to ingredients in my everyday products. A dermatologist had just diagnosed me with Contact Dermatitis that was caused by over 40 toxic chemicals I was allergic to. It was a daunting period in life. Overwhelm and frustration were an understatement.


Trying to find cleaning and beauty products that were truly toxin free was even more difficult than I imagined. I mean really, it’s like everything is ‘natural’ nowadays, but the ingredient label says the opposite. Can you say ‘Greenwashing’?! Had no clue that was even a thing!


Looking back on it all, I truly appreciate all of the hardships. They brought me here, and help motivate me every.single.day. My goal is to be there for you, wherever you are in your toxin free journey.


Let’s do this together. Let’s encourage one another and be completely judgement free. What works for that lady in front of you at the grocery store may not work for you, and that’s totally ok! Each step you take makes a difference, and I applaud you! I’d love for you to take a look around, and hope you find some useful tips for your lifestyle.


Seriously so excited to have you here. Cheers to living a life full of wellness!

xo, Laura

Want to help educate more women about toxin-free beauty while earning rewards?! Let’s chat!

Enjoy a 1-hour pampering consult with me where we chat all-things clean beauty and what works best for your skin!