Nail Polish Safe Swap

Alrighty friends, this one has been a long time coming…
Who else has an impressive nail polish collection?! You buy one here, one there, “oh, date night is coming up, so I might need new nail polish”! 



Here’s the scoop

Nail polish is not toxin free, it doesn’t exist (yet) – so I’m providing you with some safer options that work like a charm!

Conventional nail polish, and even non toxic nail polish, are NOT regulated. It’s so important to remember that. If a nail polish is 8-free or more, it’s usually one I’ll personally try.
8-Free typically means these toxins ⬇️ are not in the nail polish. It’s usually something a company is proud of and will display that in the description of the polish:


Skin Irritant, affects nervous and immune systems, linked to cancer


Petroleum-based, can cause headaches, confusion, fatigue, long-term health issues like kidney and liver damage, reproductive harm, and developmental toxicity.


Early onset menopause, impairs hormonal development in male fetuses

formaldehyde resin

Skin irritant


When inhaled, can cause nausea, headaches and dizziness

Triphenyl Phosphate

Toxic for your hormones and liver.


Can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting


Hormone disruption and linked to cancer


Both Butter London and Static nails have long-term results, which means you’re not painting your nails as frequently, so less exposure to the smell. They’re at least 8-free too! I kind of equate them to the quality of OPI, but with fewer toxins!
Static Nails – if you get on their email list, they’ll let you know when a restock happens, and when it does, you hop on and grab what you need right then! I just got my hands on their lavender glitter polish called Elle and it’s my new faveeee!
Butter London – So many pretty colors on their site! Seriously go look!
Gel nail polish is a whole new game – I’ll get to that one at a later date!
Copyright ©️ Pursuing What Is Well

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