Feminine Hygiene Safe Swap

We’re getting personal here!

BUT, I feel so inclined to share this with you because of the massive changes I’ve experienced in the best way possible. It’s worth the read!
We have all struggled with symptoms during that time of the month.
I don’t think I need to list more… you know them!
Here’s the thing – Tampons and pads are deemed “medical devices” by the FDA, which means a full ingredient list is not required, so it’s very rarely disclosed to the public.
Guess what…
Testing of feminine hygiene products for volatile and semi-volatile compounds has actually been done!!! Want to know what’s lurking in your feminine care products? I didn’t want to know for the longest time… how I wish I would have looked sooner…
Really, it’s no wonder we have such a hard time on our periods. Those chemicals wreck havoc on our bodies, especially ‘down there’.
I decided to test out a silicone period cup, and it wasn’t as scary as I had made it up to be. More importantly, you need to hear what changed with my body in THREE MONTHS!
  • My periods were lighter
  • Cramps are very minimal, if any (blows my mind.)
  • My cycle has regulated from a period every 3 weeks, to now every 4 weeks
  • I don’t feel like I PMS for days beforehand
  • No vomiting from the pain
  • Fewer digestive issues
This blows my mind. I literally cannot get over how much better I feel, and I know this could help you or someone you know! There are many silicone based feminine products out there, and its such a personal preference.
I honestly believe a change like this could CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

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