Sunscreen Safe Swap

LOVING that sunshine!!

More than EVER before, we will be given the opportunity to enjoy tons of sunshine in this season of life! I hope you’re taking advantage of it!!
As you’re trying to do more online shopping, please double check the ingredients of your sunscreen! They tend to have some of the WORST offenders when it comes to toxins… and if you love the spray sunscreens… then I’m about to break your heart!
With aerosol sunscreen, there is deep concern here. Not only is your skin absorbing high levels of toxins like Oxybenzone, but you’re also inhaling these and the toxic particles travel straight to your lungs. Not good friends.
Here are some of the ‘bad guys‘ looming in conventional sunscreens:
I have to call out Oxybenzone because this is the heavy hitter that’s destroying coral reefs.

If it’s destroying our coral reefs… think about what it’s doing to you.

The other one that literally blows my mind is Retinyl Palmitate.
This toxin causes photosensitivity when exposed to the sun, so it’s literally doing the exact opposite of what sunscreen is supposed to do. Yeah, I don’t get it either. 
Here’s the best news yet….
There are incredibly good sunscreens out there too, and completely toxin-free! Here are some links for easy shopping. 
Thinksport/Thinkbaby are my favorite body sunscreens. They work incredibly well!
SunLight 30 Facial SPF My all-time favorite toxin free face sunscreen that isn’t going to cause a breakout is Crunchi’s Sunlight. It’s so good, I use it everyday to help prevent cancer and the appearance of dark spots on my face!

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