Detoxing The Bathroom – Men’s Edition

When I told Ryan I wanted to detox his bathroom accessories, I expected him to roll his eyes. To my pleasant surprise, he was on board! Baby steps, friends! It can take a longggg time to get on board with all this ‘natural’ stuff, right?!
There were quite a few heavy-hitters that were adding to his toxic body burden, most of them were the same in each product, so he was getting a double, triple, quadruple dose of these nasties!
Here are some of the toxic families found in his everyday bathroom products
Basically, lots of allergens, hidden fragrance toxins, chemicals contaminated with 1,4 Dioxane (a known carcinogen), hormone disruptors, etc.
Most products had other ingredients that, while aren’t toxic, they enhance the absorption of other ingredients, both good and bad. In other words, your body ends up absorbing even more of the toxic crap.
We found some stellar safe swaps that he is loving! Even the deodorant… it works!! 
ShampooCarina Organics 
ToothpasteDr. Brite Naturals

Copyright © Pursuing What Is Well

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